Monday, June 27, 2011

Top Awards for Budget

I am proud to announce that for the fourth year in a row the Northern Virginia Regional Park Authority has won the Distinguished Budget Presentation Award. This award represents the highest honors in public sector budgeting, and is given by the Government Financial Officers Association (GFOA). When one applies for this award, a team of budget experts from around the country review the document and grade it. Most of the categories they look at really boil down to how transparent and understandable is the budget?

One of the reviewers commented this year:
"This is a fine, highly rated document with a relatively small budget and shows what can be done by a small, hard working staff with the goal of producing an Award-winning budget."

Our budget has become THE central document of our organization. We have worked to connect our budget and our strategic planning goals and express many of the measurable results we track in the budget.

In the spirit of financial tranparency we post both our budget and annual audit on-line:

NVRPA Budget:

NVRPA Audit:

Our audit or CAFR has also won the top GFOA award for several years in a row.

I am extremely proud of our ace budge and finance team for winning these honors.

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