Monday, March 17, 2014

Revenue Development & Management School Attracts the Very Best

The Revenue Development and Management School at Oglebay Resort in Wheeling WVA is a remarkable professional development school. A two year program, that involves a week of intensive business skill education each year. This school has been in operation since 1965! During this time other schools have attempted to replicate this, but none of them have lasted.

Part of the reason for this success is the remarkable educational experience that is created at this school, and part of the success has been the great support Oglebay has given to this and a number of other schools related to parks and recreation over the years.

I view this school as a mini-MBA where the business principals are applied to the field of parks and recreation. Many park and recreation agencies generate a significant portion of their operating revenues through enterprise (business) operations. This school is set up to hone the business acumen of these professionals. The result of that is stronger agencies that help to build stronger communities!

Students receive classes on a wide variety of business subjects including:
  • Market Trends
  • Budgeting
  • Pricing
  • Capital Development
  • Marketing
  • Strategic Planning
  • Innovation
  • Leadership
  • Economic Development
  • Partnerships
  • Business Plan Development
  • And much more...
  The program builds up to a Year 2 Project, where teams need to develop a complete business plan for a realistic project. After writing the plan, the teams present their big idea to a mock City Council who pepper them with questions. The whole school is based on applying the very best in business skills to the role of serving the community, and building stronger park and recreation agencies.

The students that come to this school are among the very best in the field of parks and recreation nationwide. In recent years the school as attracted a number of students from park agencies in other countries, who are coming to learn with the best.

Mock City Council Reviews Business Plans

Roy Geiger Presents about the Team

Laurelyn Rawson Presents on the Market Analysis

Karl Mohle Presents the Overview of the Business Plan

Cindy Curtis Teaches Strategic Planning
The Regents & Instructors that teach at this school are unique in that they are all professionals in this field, so they can tie the theories right back to how it works in the "real world."

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