There is no better way to connect to nature than to camp. Bull Run is an huge park with miles of flat paved roadways inside the park that have light traffic at slow speeds, making it a perfect place for bike riding. 

New this year is the Atlantis Waterpark at Bull Run Regional Park. This Greek themed waterpark is fantastic for children of all ages, with a large dumping bucket feature with slides and water cannons, a great tot pool and sand play area, and an enormous pool area with giant slides for those over 48 inches tall.
Bull Run Regional Park is an ideal place for a week of vacation or just a weekend get away close to home.
A review of Atlantis from a seven year old's perspective was posted on Our Kids web site by Amy VanDenburg. She writes:
Breaking news! The Lost Continent of Atlantis has been discovered in Bull Run Regional Park. Well, maybe not quite, but the existing pool at the park has been remodeled into an enormous, incredibly fun re-imagining of the mythical island. Our recent weekday visit elicited the remark “This is the BEST DAY EVER!” from our 7-year-old Our Kids reviewer, which prompts Our Kids to strongly suggest including a visit to NVRPA’s Atlantis Waterpark on your must-do list this summer.
Big Splashes
We were sure that Atlantis was lost again, or that we were, on the long drive (2 miles) through the park to get to the pool area. Just when we were certain it had sunk back to the bottom of the sea, it rose grandly through the trees in front of us. The Atlantis Waterpark has an Ancient Greece theme that uses Greek architecture and images of Neptune, tridents, mermaids and sea creatures to portray the Lost Continent. The theme was quickly lost on our group of reviewers as we entered the pool area after check-in and were happily overwhelmed by the vast size of the facilities and the choices it offered. The complete review is at: http://www.our-kids.com/static/?f=atlantis

Pohick Bay Regional Park in Lorton VA also offers a great campground with rustic cabins and features Pirate's Cove Waterpark as well as many other features. Another perfect destination for your close to home vacation.
For more information on Pohick Bay see: http://www.nvrpa.org/parks/pohickbay/index.php